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Accepted texy - Staff Application

Used when accepting a application.


New member


Have you ever been staff before? If so, which server? 11000014d1234e7

Are you currently staff in another server? No

Previous Roleplay Experiences You Have YBN, Sanctioned, Windy City, NYC RP, The Towns

Why do you want to be a staff member for New Yonkers? I want to be a staff member for New Yonkers due to the fact that I feel like I would be a good addition to the staff team, most of my friends are in the staff team. Most of my roleplay career has been around admins/testers, I very much know how to roleplay and have learned a lot from my friends on how to be a staff member.

How would you handle a player who has been powergaming, but it is clear this is their very first server? The way I would handle somebody power gaming, but it is their first serious roleplay server. I would first give the person(s) a warning, telling him/her to take a quick break, and reread through the rules, come back when he's done reading the rules. If he continues to power game I would either kick/ban him for a few hours and tell him to take a break depending on the severity of power game he did.

What does power abuse mean to you? To me, power abuse means power tripping/abusing perms kicking/banning people because you have a problem with the person out of character. Also kicking/banning people for no apparent reason. Also spawning in stuff, such as weapons, cash, and etc...

Do you understand that abuse of power is punishable by lose of Staff Role and potentially being permanently banned from the community? Yes

Do you understand that if you do plagiarise/copy and paste answers you may be banned from applying for 3 days? Do you also understand that if you violate any of our rules you may be banned and removed from the community permanently depending on the severity of the broken rules? Yes
We would like to tell you that your staff application for New Yonkers Roleplay was accepted!​