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Liberty City Server Guidelines


New member
Liberty City Server Guidelines
Last Updated: 08/20/2024
*Disclaimer all rules are enforced at administrative discretion and are subject to each scenario providing there is proper roleplay behind said “rule-break”.*
Section 1.0 (General Rules / Common Courtesy)
  • You are EXPECTED to remember that this is all character-based, and does not relate to the Character-Player themselves. ( AKA. No OOC Toxicity )
  • You are EXPECTED to provide the best roleplay you can showcase through your character.
  • We Enforce a strict code of conduct within the community: e.g. perform any unauthorized sexual-related activities towards another party.
  • You are REQUIRED to have a functional and quality microphone.
  • Your character NEEDS to have a realistic name that does not break (Twitch, or other major streaming platforms' TOS nor interfere or relate to any real-life personals.) ( TOS Listed at the bottom of the page )
  • DO NOT carry around unusual items you would not find on a character. Please store them via vehicle or property.
  • You're not allowed to Dox community players or others and leak information / make threats.
Section 2.0 (In-Game Guidelines / Information)
  • Common Courtesy [A or B] Depending on the Situation
    • All players should treat others with respect. You’re not allowed to break the rules because someone else did. You shouldn’t disrupt, stall or void roleplay unless an administrator tells you too. Examples; Quitting game to avoid roleplay / refusing/avoiding roleplay.
    • Committing Non-Spontaneous crimes within Government facilities is prohibited.
    • If you come across a bug or exploit on any of our services you’re required to report it. Exploiting it and using it will result in a permanent ban and it’s your obligation to report rule-breakers as well.
    • The use of /me be used as much as possible to help roleplay scenarios.
    • Once you have permanently killed off your character, their death must remain final. There should be no actions taken to revive them unless any interventions from administrators or similar means.
  • Valuing your character's life. [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
    • Treat your character as if it’s you, meaning do not just engage in such activities that could endanger your life.
  • No abuse of Game Physics. [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
    • You ARE NOT allowed to perform native game bugs, or actions to gain an advantage over other players.
  • Random Death Matching (RDM) & Vehicle Death Matching (VDM). [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
    • You ARE NOT allowed to kill another character without sufficient roleplay reasons.
    • Unnecessary Provoking ( Forcing such activities to happen to the character or Terrorism is not allowed. )
    • Vehicle Deathmatch is also prohibited
  • You ARE NOT allowed to use your vehicle as a weapon unless there is sufficient roleplay leading up to it.
    • After being killed, You are NOT ALLOWED to instantly go back and kill the player or players of a group that killed you. You are REQUIRED to roleplay your injuries and plan accordingly.
  • Meta-gaming [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
    • Deliberately using out-of-game communications like Discord, Skype, etc. that your character did not learn in game to help you is forbidden. examples: John Doe reads something from out-of-character chat and roleplays knowing that in-character. example 2: Jane Smith reads something from twitch chat and roleplays knowing that in-character.
  • Power-gaming / Abuse of game physics [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
    • Refers to the act of role-playing in a way that gives one's character an unfair advantage over others.
      • If your character is downed, on going scenarios are still to be on-going. If you are revived via grandmas or ems you're not to be engaging in the original scenarios.
      • Finding exploits or the most efficient way to make money, rather then correctly roleplaying it out.
      • Using another character of yours to transfer items, money etc. This also includes your character that is dead or from another player. etc. you get the basics.
      • Spamming or exploiting legal/illegal jobs or activities within the server.
      • Spam Punching (I.e: spam clicking mouse 1 in a fight and not giving someone a chance to react).
      • Abuse of jobs (I.e: spawning a job vehicle to evade police, etc).
  • Third Party Modifications [E] Depending on the Situation:
    • Third party modifications are defined as using a program, software that gives you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes the following; mods, trainers, crosshair monitors, etc.
  • Safe-zones [E] Depending on the Situation:
    • There is no limit on the safe-zones rule unless there is sufficient roleplay leading up to it.
      • All government offices, law enforcement offices, hospitals, and banks.
      • Car Dealerships
  • Not Valuing Life ( NVL ) [ B or C ] Depending on the Situation:
    • All players must value their characters' life realistically.
      • Treat your character as you would treat yourself. If someone has a gun to your head you would most likely comply and put your hands up.
      • If someone has a hostage during a situation, you must value the hostages' life and you would want the safety of the hostage.
      • Not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harm from other means.
    • Examples of when you’re not in direct danger:
      • When you’re in a vehicle and the engine isn’t stalled.
      • When you have a firearm drawn and facing the other person before they attack.
      • When the attacker’s view is obstructed by an object or when they turn their back on you.
  • New Life Rule ( NLR ) [ B or C ] Depending on the Situation:
    • If your character is incapacitated and respawns at the hospital, they must reset their memory of the events leading to their incapacitation and leading to the current scenario. You cannot respawn after confirmation that government services are en route to your location.
    • While incapacitated, it is essential to make an effort to reach out to medical assistance in any form.
  • Criminal Activities [ B or C ] Depending on the Situation:
    • Criminal activities are limited to 4 players max at a time.
      • Participating in relaying information to or between characters, such as lookouts or through radio communications, involves you in that particular scenario.
      • Taking on bashers/grinders instead of people who actually want to roleplay is prohibited.
      • When a player has been taken into custody from one of the 4 players and another group has been created to attempt to execute a prison break or transport break, the other group must refrain from intervening until the break / transport is taken into place. Any premature involvement or an ill-conceived plan is considered NVL.
      • Avoid engaging in any lengthy criminal activities within the final 30 minutes before the server restart. Any roleplay scenario that involves interaction with the police, such as being arrested or processed, requires returning to the police department after the server restart to surrender oneself and resume the roleplay.
  • Multiple Characters [ B or C ] Depending on the Situation:
    • You may have multiple characters, provided that they do not belong to the same group or gang. It is generally prohibited to have multiple characters within the same group, so it is advisable to avoid this and focus on pursuing your individual goals.
Section 3.0 (Robbery Guidelines)
  • You ARE NOT allowed to force players to withdraw money from ATMs, etc.
  • There MUST be a cooldown of 30 minutes per robbery by each gang. ( Self-Instructed Robberies DO NOT COUNT! )
  • DO NOT kill a robbery victim if they are fully cooperative.
  • You ARE NOT allowed to rob government-issued items from Law Enforcement or Medical Services without sufficient roleplay.
    • Your robbery of a government official must have a roleplay purpose behind it.
    • This includes their duty equipment from their shop, or department such related items.
  • Section 3.1 (Scamming)
    • No scamming for assets valued over 25k in-game currency.

New Yonkers [Liberty City] is not sponsored or endorsed by Rockstar Games / FiveM
Points System / Administration Reference - Each situation is different and will be handled accordingly.​
Class LevelPoint Recommendations
Class A24 hour ban or 1 Points
Class B3 Day Ban or 2 Points
Class C 7 Day Ban or 5 Points
Class D 14 Day Ban or 10 Points
Class ESuspension or 15 Points (Can apply for a re-ban after 30 days.

Color System​
Recently Updated / In-ReviewYellow